I began Faster Way to Fat Loss in January 2019 to improve my eating habits and get stronger in 2019. I was feeling frustrated in my current workout routine & unmotivated to eat healthy. There would be many days I would be so busy that I would just eat whatever I could get my hands on without any plan or purpose. I also felt that if I didn't have time to do two intense workout classes, then I wouldn't bother doing anything. I was on the hamster wheel of yo-yo dieting- forcing myself to eat just protein and veggies, depriving myself of all carbs & sugars (including fruit) if I needed to drop a few pounds. I was exhausted by 3/4pm everyday and I knew I wasn't giving my body the proper nutrition it needed.
So far I have been on this lifestyle over 3 years and I can say it is my way of life! I am feeling stronger, lighter and healthier! I love that I can eat carbs (a lot of them) and I love knowing exactly how much I should eat daily. The workouts are so great and only usually take me 30-40mins!! (with two rest days) The best part of the past six weeks is that I don't have the daily 4pm crash, I love having SO MUCH MORE ENERGY from fueling my body properly!
I am extremely happy with my results! This program has taught me how to eat and work out properly and it HAS CHANGED MY LIFE! I am now in the VIP FWTFL and loving FWTFL APP! I log on every morning to see my workout and eating plan. (so easy)
My coach has a new round starting soon!
As soon as you join you get access to the FWTFL app and
all of the digital at-home workouts plus the meal plan!! Also, when you join her group
she will help guide you thru this 6 week program. She is extremely knowledge and
has helped me tremendously. Her online facebook group is where I log on daily to get helpful recipes, weekly training, and support from other women
going through the program together!
an 6 week
experience - meal plan & recipe guide
- weekly 30 min digital workouts (home, gym, or low-impact versions)
- education on cutting edge nutrition & fitness
- daily accountability & support from my coach
- access to experts in the wellness industry

My Results:

Join me and give this gift to yourself! You are so worth it! I promise you will be so happy you did!!